One of the greatest gifts of building a custom home is being able to incorporate unique and stunning new ideas that most home owners have never seen before. Below are some of my favorites ones that I incorporated into my custom home build.

Dog Cage

Who doesn’t love giving their furry friends gifts? In our case, our dogs love sleeping in “caves” – so we decided to build a custom dog cage, big enough for two collies inside of our laundry room.

We needed a place where the dogs could be contained and they couldn’t make a mess. So we built out our laundry room island to be a safe place just for them. This way, you get rid of the hassle of having to put away a bulky cage when they don’t need it! As an added benefit, it also looks much nicer than a metal cage, and flows with the rest of the house design.

The cage underneath our laundry room island is large enough for both of our rough collies to fit comfortably.

Secret Door

With years of experience working remotely, even before it became mainstream, we knew exactly what worked and what didn’t in our previous home office. This knowledge drove our decision to create a space that not only enhanced our focus but also balanced our work and personal lives better.

In our previous home, privacy and soundproofing were major issues. Every time we had a meeting, our dogs would start barking uncontrollably. One of us would have to take them outside until the meeting concluded. Additionally, working from home blurred the lines between work and relaxation. We found ourselves constantly checking emails and feeling a sense of urgency to respond, leaving little time to unwind.

When planning our new home, we envisioned the second floor to accommodate our future children’s bedrooms and a guest room. The loft area was to be a dedicated homework space. This setup made it clear that we needed a separate and private office to avoid distractions and ensure confidentiality, especially since our jobs involve sensitive material.

Given the privacy needs and the importance of an undisturbed workspace, we knew we had to think outside the box. During one of our many conversations, we recalled various TV shows and movies featuring secret doors opened by a book. This instantly resonated with us, and we knew it was the perfect solution.

Working with our draftsman, we incorporated the secret door seamlessly into our home design. The door was crafted to look like a built-in bookshelf, blending perfectly with the room’s aesthetic. The mechanism that opens the door is a keypad hidden inside of a book; once the key code is entered, the door automatically pops open.

Our family and guests are always intrigued and delighted when they discover the secret door. It adds a sense of fun and mystery to our home, making their visits memorable. Looking ahead, we anticipate that the secret door will continue to provide the necessary privacy and security for our work while also serving as a unique and exciting feature for our future children.

Hidden Pantry

Ensuite Study

Electrical Upgrades

Bathroom Drawer Outlets

Categories: Inspiration & Tips


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